In Memory of





Condolence From: John Henry Coulter-Vorpahl,Jr.
Condolence: You All Have My Sympathy In The Passing Of Art. ~~May He Rest In Peace~~ You All Please Do Take Care!! Your Byrne Family Genealogist: ~~John Henry Coulter-Vorpahl,Jr.~~
Thursday October 20, 2016
Condolence From: Meri-Jo Mueller
Condolence: Kerry, Amy, Tim and family, Sorry to hear of your loss. I was just thinking of Uncle Art and your family the other night. Last time I saw him was at my mom's funeral. Time goes quickly. My thoughts are with you all. I will not be able to come to see you all at this time, distance and previous commitments. I will have good memories of my godfather. Love, Meri-Jo
Wednesday October 19, 2016